🎊🎆😌<<Blue Monday不藍星期一:End-of-Year Quotes年終祝福話語大集合>>🎊🎆😌
💡充滿啟發的Inspirational Quote
“All the days of the past year have prepared you for the new tomorrow.” 過去一年的每一天,都讓你準備好面對嶄新的一天!
🤔充滿反省的Reflective Quote
“the new year brings a chance to vanquish your vices and truly value yourself.” 新年會給你機會摧毀你的惡,然後讓以真的珍視自己。
🤣幽默的Funny Quote
“This year seems like a bit of a blur. Guess my resolution was too low!過去這年似乎有點混屯模糊,一定是我的決心毅力(解析度)太低!
🥸名人名言Famous Quote
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in the years.” by Abraham Lincoln. 到頭來(到最後)不是你生活中的歲月,而是歲月中的生活才是最重要的。by 林肯
🫨一年最後一天Last Day of the Year Quote
Forget last days. Begin your better tomorrow right now.忘掉最後那幾天吧,從現在就開始你更好的明天吧!

<<Blue Monday不藍星期一:End-of-Year


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