
2018/07/07 台灣托福




Task 1

Which of the following areas should the government spend money on the most? Why?


Health care

Space exploration

Task 2

Do you think parents should allow their children to select careers that are harder to succeed such as being an athlete or an entertainer?

Task 3


Topic: The letter proposes that the school should start a weekend art workshop.

Reason 1:

Reason 2:



Reason 1: there are already similar selective courses for students who are interested in arts to take. For example, there are already photography classes.

Reason 2: these workshops will occupy art majors’ classrooms. For example, she is an art major and she needs classrooms on weekends to finish her large sculpture.

Task 4

R: (Biology)—ways for insects to find their way home


L: (1 example)

Fire ants can use certain chemical traits to find their way back to their hive.

Task 5

Problem: The woman’s sister is going away to Africa for four months next week and the woman really wants to see her before she goes. However, she has a paper due next Monday and she needs the weekend to work on the paper.

Solution 1: she could let her sister come to see her, but the transportation time is long and her sister needs to pack.

Solution 2: she could skip a review session during the week and ask her friend to take notes for her so she could go to see her sister.

Task 6

Profit Maximization: A company can invest most of its money on very profitable items.

Ex. A doll company invested a lot of money on its best-selling dolls. But the company must carry debts and would become vulnerable because once the profits couldn’t flow in as expected, it could not balance the lost.



整合題 Integrated Writing

Topic: whales’ beaching behavior鯨魚擱淺的原因

1. the whale may be sick (by poisonous substances, parasites or disease) and cannot control directions well

2. the sonar of human vessels interfere with the whale’s navigational system

3. changes made by earthquakes that interfere with the whale’s sense of direction



1. the anatomy of these beaching whales shows no sign of sickness

2. the sonar sent off by human vessels is of mid-frequency, which does not interfere with the whale’s low-frequency navigational system

3. when earthquakes occurred in the past, not many whales die and during the period of whales’ beaching, there weren’t any earthquakes




It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise. (Agree/Disagree)


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