
2018/07/08 亞洲區托福




Task 1

What is the most common mistake that parents make when raising children?

Task 2

Some teachers would give students face-to-face feedbacks, while others prefer giving students written comments. Which do you prefer and why?

Task 3


Topic: The professor proposes to change the electronic texts into paper-based ones.

Reason 1: it’s better for students’ eyes

Reason 2: students concentrate more on paper-based materials



Reason 1: students know how to protect their eyes by taking a rest for a few minutes after a period of studies

Reason 2: students are still allowed to bring their laptops to class so students will be distracted because they will take notes with their computers and sometimes, they will be distracted by the Internet

Task 4

R: (Business)—companies use ways to let people remember their brand names.


L: (1 example)

Once, the speaker’s kitchen pipes are leaking water, and the speaker needs to find a company to help. Then, he thought of a name because this company always advertised on the same spot on the newspaper every day. That’s why the speaker immediately came up with this familiar name.

Task 5

Problem: The woman’s problem is that she is planning to go on a vacation to a mountain cabin. However, she hasn’t finished her paper and there’s no Internet connection in the cabin for her to complete the work.

Solution 1: She could finish her paper earlier and print out her paper in the library.

Solution 2: She could drive from the cabin to a nearby café with Internet access and finish her work.

Task 6

Color defensive actions of plants: two ways plants disguise themselves using colors to avoid being eaten by animals

1st way—to adjust itself to the colors in the environment—Ex. a little purple flower would hide itself among branches.

2nd way—to change colors—Ex. a type of African plant has gray color when little, so the sprout looks sick and would not be eaten. The plant will change into green color after it grows larger.



整合題 Integrated Writing

Topic: the purpose of the Great Zimbabwe stone structures

1. for storing grains

2. it used to be a gold miming place

3. it was an astronomical observatory



1. the structure may appear to be a storing house from the outside, but there are only two rooms inside, which were not really enough to store grains. Besides, no traces of grains were found.

2. radio carbon dating points out that the towers and walls were built before the gold mine was detected. Therefore, people who built the structure didn’t know there was gold.

3. towers for observing stars require special angles and distances. However, the Great Zimbabwe doesn’t fit that requirement.




Which of the following work conditions do you prefer and why?

--your job is more challenging and interesting but has less vacation time

--your job is not challenging or interesting but has more vacation time

(Prefer A/B)


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