
今年破天荒七月份考試日期超級多!以往碰上美國國慶Fourth of July,考試日期就區區兩個。



2018/07/01 台灣托福




Task 1


The museum wants to open a new field of exhibition. Which of the following topics do you think is the best?

Robot and technology

Deep-water creatures

Solar system


If the government has some money, which of the following facilities should it build?

Art museum

Marine creature museum

Astronomical museum

Task 2

We should always be completely honest and open to our close friends. (Agree/Disagree)

Task 3


Topic: The school should promote “student exercise instructor” positions

Reason 1: Students can make some money

Reason 2: Student exercise instructors can encourage more participation in class



Reason 1: Students must take certified classes before becoming an instructor and that will cost students some money

Reason 2: These student instructors are not experienced and students taking these classes will probably drop because the instructors are bad

Task 4

R: (Business)—global marketing—to design advertisements that target different customers.


L: (1 example)

A sports drinks company would invite different athletes to make their commercials for different audiences. For example, at places where skiing is popular, the company would invite famous skiers. At places like Brazil where soccer is popular, the company would invite soccer players.

Task 5

Problem: The woman has agreed to go to a birthday party but she needs to attend a competition at another city early in the morning and the party would probably last till late at night.

Solution 1: she could get some sleep in the car on her way to another city.

Solution 2: she could only stay a few hours at the party and leave the party early.

Task 6

Two reasons why plants move

1st reason—to defend themselves—Ex. (mimosa) pudica含羞草 would curl up its leaves.


2nd reasons—to help their growth—Ex. grapevine would stretch to different places.



整合題 Integrated Writing

Topic: the source of the “min min lights” in Australia, which are moving light spots in the night sky in Australia(澳洲夜空漂浮光的來源)

1. certain biological entity like bugs that send out lights when passing by some areas

2. certain air that comes out from the ground and reacts with the atmosphere to create lights, like those around marshlands

3. when atmospheric conditions are right, certain warm air streams would reflect electric lights like mirrors do and those lights become min min lights



1. the light of the flying insects is too weak and the min min lights float in circles, which is not what flying insects can do

2. the marshy substances that create light can only occur in wet places. But the min min lights appear in dry places

3. this cannot explain how min min lights appeared before electric lights were invented




The media today care less about accuracy and creates more problem. (Agree/Disagree)


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