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2018/06/30 台灣托福




Task 1

The school decides to turn the long summer(/winter) vacation into shorter holidays (at different times of the year). What do you think?

Task 2

Group discussion is better than individual discussion. (Agree/Disagree)

Task 3


Topic: The letter proposes that the school should have some book club activities during the summer time.

Reason 1: students have more free time during summer vacation

Reason 2: students can social and mingle



Reason 1: students usually have a lot of plans during the summer time and they are very busy

Reason 2: there are already many other activities that students can social and mingle in

Task 4

R: Illusion of Control

It is the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events.


L: (1 example)

Two groups of people were asked to flip a switch of a light. However, the light went on and off randomly. The difference between the two groups was that the second group of people would be rewarded some money if the light went on when they flipped the switch. After a while, more people in the second group of people believed they had control over the light.

Task 5

Problem: The man’s problem is that he has a job orientation on the same date as his college graduation day.

Solution 1: he could skip the orientation but he might not quickly adjust to the work environment.

Solution 2: he could attend another orientation, but it wouldn’t be the same.

Task 6

Two ways for smaller animals to make themselves look bigger to scare off predators

First, a type of fish would swallow a lot of water so its body would swell and can scare off sharks.

Second, spiders can position itself at the center of the web to make themselves look bigger with their extended long legs.



整合題 Integrated Writing

Topic: the owl population decline (in New Zealand)


1. Low reproduction rate (females can only raise 1 or 2 babies each season because of a lack of food sources)

2. Low survival rate of eggs (lots of eggs get bad or die before baby birds are hatched because of cold weather)

3. Killed by predators like storks.


1. Owls can change the food to other things such as apples, which can be gained stably. With sustainable source of food, owls should have improved their reproduction rates.

2. Female owls can lay eggs in warm places or keep the eggs warm in certain places to prevent the coldness at night that kills the eggs.

3. Owls can relocate to other small islands in New Zealand far from the mainland so the storks cannot reach.




Some people prefer to pursue ambitious dreams. Others prefer to focus on realistic goals. Which do you prefer and why?

(Prefer A/B)


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